
You look up at the clock, sweat dripping down your face, heart beating through your chest, hands on your knees, it reads 5:00 minutes.  You think to yourself “How can it only be 5 minutes into a 20-minute workout and I can barely BREATH?”  If you have done any meaningful exercise in the past I am sure this has happened to you, probably more times than not.  What if I told you with proper breathing you could completely eliminate this scenario from happening to you except on those rare occasions, like max effort sprints.  What if I  told you not only could you could eliminate this, but you could improve your endurance, you’re stamina, your ability to dig deeper into workouts, your scores on benchmark workouts, hell, even your lifting numbers, would you be interested?  I’m here to tell you, you can, with the SKILL of breathing. Yes, breathing is...
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MEMBER OF THE MONTH – MAY 2019 This month we’re getting to know Martha, who has been at UpReach Crossfit for about a year now.  We chose Martha this month because we’ve seen her grow surer of herself and we love her enthusiasm as she relentlessly pursues to make herself better.   Get to know about Martha by reading her interview below! WHAT LED YOU TO TRY OUT CROSSFIT? I married into it! John had been doing this for years before we met. I had never done CrossFit, but I had been working out at home doing similar things, like a lot of burpees and body weight movements. I joke that John married for CrossFit potential. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT UPREACH? The community. I love how people know each other’s names and cheer each other on. I like Rachael’s dancing, Lee’s rope climbs in his boots, and when Eva...
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In a world where we are often on the go, finding great ways to stay healthy can be tough. We like things that are convenient for our busy days. Thankfully, good health doesn’t have to be complicated or tedious. Here are some quick-and-easy tips to help you enjoy better health without spending too much time or energy. Lower Stress with Mindfulness Does your busy schedule stress you out? Being stressed is hard on your mind and body. When you are feeling afraid or stressed, those emotions can trigger your body to release chemicals into your bloodstream that affect your overall health. Your muscles become tense, and the way your brain functions actually changes. While we are designed to respond to short-term stressors, chronic stress can be harmful to your well-being. In time, your brain essentially becomes rewired from stress chemicals, potentially leaving you at higher risk for psychiatric disorders. Lowered...
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MEMBER OF THE MONTH – APRIL 2019 We have officially been recognizing one standout member of the community for 12 months!  We can’t wait to continue this tradition for many years to come!  This month, David Bull has been chosen as the April member of the month!  Get to know David and learn about his Crossfit journey by checking out our interview below! WHAT LED YOU TO TRY OUT CROSSFIT? I have a friend who is a missionary in Indonesia.  They started a Crossfit gym there, so in an effort to encourage him (and humble him by competing 🙂 ) I decided to check it out. Additionally, with UpReach being in our neighborhood, 0.5 miles from our home, it was super convenient and an opportunity to further dive into local community. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT UPREACH? The competitive community, coaches, and location WHAT IS THE BIGGEST CHANGE THAT...
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