Member of the Month – Monica Luna

Member of the Month – January 2019

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  We are so thrilled that we have made it to the one year anniversary of UpReach!  With out it, we would not have had the opportunity to have built lasting relationships with this wonderful community.  Continuing with our tradition, we will recognize a new member every month that stands out to our staff as well as other members within the community.  Each person is selected for different reasons, whether it be their impact on their peers or their commitment to achieving their personal fitness goals.  This month, Monica Luna has been selected as the member of the month!  Her, along with Krysta Barbic spearheaded last months clothing drive.  She has also shown tremendous commitment within the gym by showing up every single day.  Nice work Moni!  We asked Monica some questions so that we could learn more about what drives her to be so committed.  Her answers are killer!

  • What led you to try out Crossfit?

I love to challenge myself and what better way than a mental, physical, and emotional challenge that is CrossFit. Pushing one’s body to the limit in ways one did not even think was possible. I remember day 1 of CrossFit I could barely snatch a 35lb barbell without getting winded and feeling like it was going to come crashing down on my head and now I can snatch at 40lbs. Haha! Just kidding!  There has been way more progress than that, but my point is that day 1, honestly, I felt defeated, I felt like I had back peddled so much from where I’ve been before that I was never going to get back into fitness again. The mental block wanted to set in quickly, but with coach Justin, my fiancé, and the entire community by my side it has led to one of the greatest and healthiest experiences I’ve had with fitness.

  • What is your favorite part about UpReach?

THE COMMUNITY!!!! I love it! Since day one I’ve received nothing but a warm welcome, (“What up MONICA! – Justin-) members helping me feel like I belong and not like I was in the way while they were getting their beast-mode-swole on. I love how we are not just a “gym” or a “box”, but we are all family. The smiles, fist bumps, sweat, tears, dying after brutal wods all bring us together. Plus, everyone is so humble, it’s so refreshing.

  • What is the biggest change that you have seen since starting Crossfit?

My confidence level has skyrocketed, I come out of my own personal bubble more and talk to people. Heck, some people may have even seen me dancing to some of the songs playing or at least lip syncing to some of them (most likely a Bon Jovi song since they’re always playing lol). I am way more comfortable in my own skin and that is not something that I have been able to say in a very long time.

  • What are you looking forward to most in 2019?  What are your goals for the new year?

I am looking forward to marrying my best friend this coming year, but before that happens in October.  I look forward to hitting lots of PRs, doing more competitions, and getting games ready (goal is to go before I’m 35, I still have time). My goals for this year specifically related to CrossFit is to get a pull up with no band assistance, not hate burpees or running (cardio is the death of me), and  to overall have fun and be able to make other people’s experience at CrossFit as great as mine has been with this community.

What a great way to start 2019!  We love having you as part of this community and are thrilled that we have the opportunity to make such an impact in your life!  Thank you for participating Moni!