Embracing “Boujee” Foods

Eating wholesome, nutrient dense foods  does not have to be complicated for you and your family. It can absolutely be frustrating and that is a whole separate topic but as long as there is a variety of properly prepared and consciously sourced ingredients most of the time, the types of meals you can create are literally endless. But there always comes a time where you are interested in trying something new and different. You may be in a rut or just need a little pivot in your meal planning. If you have been here or will likely hit this wall throughout the year, do not walk past the following foods you may view as ‘boujee.’ You may think these foods are a bit “extra,” but I promise, they have a perfect spot on yours and your kids plate and come to learn that your pre agricultural revolution ancestors are to blame for these trendy foods.

Boujee Food #1: Liver Pate

2020 is the year of giving liver a chance, I feel it! #liverlove2020.  Pate is french for ‘paste’ and is ground up or pureed liver, additional meat from typically duck, beef or chicken, fat, herbs, and seasonings. Not all pate is made from liver but go for the liver ones. Why? Liver along with other organ meats, are JAM PACKED with vitamins and minerals, compared to non organ meats that we are used to eating. It is the most nutrient dense organ meat with an insane amount of Vitamin A followed by B vitamins (B12 especially), Folate, Zinc, and Iron.

How to enjoy it??

Adults – spread on sourdough, add to your fav charcuterie combo, dip in Simple MIlls cracker

Kiddos – it is all about sneaking it in 🙂 mix with scrambled eggs, layer in a lasagna like dish, mixed in a meat sauce or meatballs

Babies – on its own, pureed with veggies or grains, spread on toast or soft crackers

Pro tip: Make sure to get high quality liver sourced locally, ethically, and/or organic since it removes toxins from the blood. You don’t want to be eating a liver from an animal raised in a more conventional, toxic environment. It will affect the nutrient density and quality.


Boujee Food(s) #2: Fermentables

You cannot ignore the rise in accessible kombucha, sauerkraut, and kefir in the past few years. These fermented teas, vegetables, and dairy are  probiotic powerhouses and a great dose of enzymes that support our digestion. Regular consumption of fermented foods supports a healthy gut microbiome where the ‘good’ bacteria’ can support the breakdown, absprotion, and assimilation of nutrients. We need the proper amount of digestive enzymes to break down carbs, fats, and proteins since chronic stress from a variety of sources can inhibit the production of these enzymes, thus, causing maldigestion.

How to eat these??

Adults – Kombucha as a mocktail (although there is a slight amount of alcohol from fermentation) or sugary drink replacement, kraut on eggs/meat, added fermented veggies on side of plate as a condiment, drink a shot of the fermented liquid before a meal to help prep the belly for food

Kiddos – Kefir yogurt parfaits or smoothies, combine kraut in some type of protein patty

Babies – Use fermented juice to puree meat or veggies, kefir yogurt if baby can handle dairy

Pro tip: When buying pickled/fermented/cultured foods, look for ‘naturally fermented’ on the label. There are many products  pickled and fermented with vinegar and a ton of sugar and salt and lack the proper probiotics and enzymes that the boujee ones have, which are fermented over a long period of time


Boujee Food #3: Bone Broth

Bone Broth is a rising star in the hot beverage category and is a liquid stock made from bones, connective tissues, and other animal carcusses that is stewed over a long period of time with herbs, vegetables, and spices. Coffee and Tea are the norm when it comes to hot beverages most enjoy sipping on but when you sip on some rich Bone Broth, you are getting a super rich sources of minerals, amino acids, gelatin, and collagen which all support our bodies ability to heal, our inflammatory response, and digestive process.

How to consume??

Adults – Drink as a hot beverage on a cold day, pre/post surgery, when sick, or having gut issues

Kiddos – Make quinoa or rice with bone broth instead of water, add to sauces, hydration support when kiddo is sick or recovering from a belly bug, smoothies (I have not tried this but know it is possible!)

Babies – Use as a hydration replenisher when baby is sick, add to purees to thin out, steam veggies/meats in broth

Pro tip: Bone broth is not stock. Bone broth is cooked for an exceptionally long time (varying from 6  – 18 hours) so the cartilage can break down enough into a collagen rich gelatin. Think jello-o but savory. Don’t get stock and broth confused when purchasing! And if you make your own, getting it to gel is the golden standard.

What I find amazing about the above foods you may think are on the boujee-er side or just another fancy food trend are actually very traditional foods that were made way before the agricultural and industrial revolution. All are nutrient dense with healing properties and can easily (with practice) be made at home.. Liver was either a way to utilize meat scraps or used as a specialty item, depending on the culture. Fermenting food was a way to preserve food over an extended period of time.  Bone Broth was a kitchen staple and used to be a prescribed remedy for illness. Although there are a  ton of high quality brands of all the above foods and I encourage you to continue to support and seek out your new household staples from local or ethical companies, maybe it is time to take a leap into making your own and playing with the flavors and preparation variation to get back in touch with your ancestral traditions.